Thursday, February 5, 2015

We should be washing our clothes way more often than we are, apparently

New research shows that we should be washing our jeans, bras and even handbags much more than we probably are..
We're pretty sure that we're not in the minority when we say that our handbags haven't seen a vacuum cleaner since, well, ever, but according to new research, we should be giving our bags, bras, jeans and even pyjamas a deep clean much more often than we are. Pyjamas According to a new study, the majority of people only pop their PJs in the wash after just over two weeks of wear, which could potentially be causing all kinds of health problems from cystitis to acne. Experts recommend that you swap out your nightwear after just two nights, and definitely don't wear for longer than a week. Bras Kelly Dunmore, lingerie expert for Rigby & Peller, told the Mail Online: 'The crease in your bust and the area under your arms are hot, sweaty environments. Cleaning after every two wears, possibly three, is ideal'. It is also recommended to never wear the same bra two days in a row, to give the elastic time to re-shape.
Jeans There are ways to keep the shape of your denim whilst also getting rid of the bacteria that builds up in the fibres over time. For really expensive pairs, freezing in an airtight bag overnight should get rid of the bacteria, otherwise pop in a cold wash and let them air dry once every five wears. Handbags and purses Think about it, your handbag is one of the only things you take into the toilet with you, no wonder that it can carry traces of E.coli, then. And it's not just about where you put your bag or purse, but what you put inside it, too - coins, notes and even bank cards often carry potentially harmful bacteria. Make sure to clean your bag every week with antibacterial wipes - use alcohol-free ones to prevent leather staining -, or check to see if it can be machine-washed. What else? Bacteria and dust mites can be lurking in all kinds of places, follow these cleaning rules and you'll increase your chances of avoiding the nasty so-and-sos... Bed sheets: wash once a week Mattress: vacuum once every six months Phone: wipe clean once a day Pillows: wash every three months Damn.


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