Monday, October 5, 2015

Blogger Njoki Chege under fire for allegedly insulting fat women

Njoki Chege is trending, again. This time, she has published an article targeting fat women and as expected this has rubbed some Kenyans the wrong way.
Her latest article Fat women, let’s tackle this elephant in the room has received backlash from Kenyans on twitter who claim that she has insulted the “Plus-size” women.

In the article published in a local website, the blogger has come out strongly criticizing fat women for their ‘laziness’:  Let me tell you why you are fat. You are fat because of your laziness and glutton, part of the text reads.
Known for her bold, blunt artices , Chege has accused fat women of using their weight as a defence so they can be excused from the truth.
Kenyans were quick to respond:  While many are of the opinion that her article is insensitive towards fat women, others feel that she has just hit the nail right on the head and she should keep ‘em coming.
Here are few of responses on Twitter
Sammie Keige ‏@SammieKeig e Am 100% Certain That Njoki Chege in real life gets no attention from guys coz of being skinny!... African men need some meat. Get a life.
FIELD MARSHAL 1963 ‏@KiKimathi53 "@muchekelouis: Over 80kgs women are calling Njoki Chege for a meeting at Uhuru park. They just wanna talk"
Vulnerability in women isn't appreciated by Njoki Chege's article at all. What you do is you don't allow anyone to dictate who you are.
Leon Lidigu ‏@LeonLidigu  The fat lazy Nairobi women are in trouble. My Comrade Njoki Chege has just made my day !
StEaLtH mOdE ‏@KenyanSanta  Slim ladies leo have something to "raise" their ego. Thanks to Njoki Chege but the fact remains us African men still prefer thick ladies.Magunga ‏@theMagunga  I am waiting for the day Njoki Chege will talk about teeth.

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At December 9, 2016 at 3:47 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

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